The war on lag starts with latency
We explore what latency is and why it’s so important in making sure that your multiplayer matches are fair.
We explore what latency is and why it’s so important in making sure that your multiplayer matches are fair.
We’ve partnered up with Idem so you can easily use our orchestrator straight from their matchmaker.
We’ve partnered with Gamebreaking Studios to help developers build out a test environment as early as possible.
We’re growing. Here are the latest roles we’re looking for, and a bit about our newest members who have joined the team.
Join us in welcoming Craig to our team and find out what he plans for our future.
Going to the Game Developers Conference (GDC) in March? Here are a few talks going on that you should check out.
You can now easily orchestrate your game while using Pragma’s services. And we’ve updated our automatic scaling tech to include AWS as an option. Here’s what you need to know.
We’ve recently hired a few new people to our team, and we’d like to introduce them to you. Say hello to our latest recruits
Single points of failure, leaving time for iterations and learnings from experts in the industry. Catch up on what we chatted about at Devcom.
We asked our partners and friends across the gaming industry to predict what trends were likely to happen over 2023. Here’s what they said.
We speak with Roberto Sasso, our new CTO, to get his story of how he rose to the position and became one of the most influential CTOs in Italy.
We’re tidying up our endpoints. It’s now a lot easier and simpler. But you may need to update your code. Here’s what’s new, and what you need to do.
When Chivalry 2 released on Xbox Game Pass they had 711% more peak sessions than ever before. And it all went off without a hitch. Here’s how.
We’ve made a couple of small updates to our platform. So to keep you in the loop, here’s what’s changed.
As we’re hiring, we thought it’d be good to give you the inside scoop about our company from our Customer Experience Manager.