
Why specialists are the right choice for your infrastructure

It’s hard to create a multiplayer game. But these days, it’s almost a necessity. In fact, Unity found that about 60% of studios are focused on creating a multiplayer game.

Yet studios don’t have the in-house experience to develop and manage the infrastructure that they need. Creating a game has very different challenges to running a network. It’s just a very different problem space.

Download our report to find out why exactly developers struggle with infrastructure, why all-in-one solutions can be a problem, and what you can do to avoid these pitfalls.

Why developers struggle with infrastructure

Read the top reasons developers and studios have trouble with their infrastructure.

What’s the problem with an all-in-one?

Find out the three reasons why studios turn to all-in-one solutions.

How can you avoid the pitfalls?

Learn how to avoid these pitfalls, what questions you should ask any partner before signing up, and how to keep your studio safe.

Who we've worked with