Bring your orchestration in-house with Gameye Enterprise

Get access to our source code and start orchestrating the servers for your own platform.

Sebastiaan Heijne
CEO at Gameye

We’ve noticed a huge shift in the industry over the last few years. Studios are building their own platforms. They want to bring their players into their own ecosystems and build something more than just a singular game. But it’s a huge challenge. How are you going to host all the servers you’ll need to scale?

We’re excited to announce Gameye Enterprise. We’ll licence you our source code, so you can get a mini-Gameye nestled inside your own organization. You can change and adapt it to integrate with all your other systems and make sure you’re able to host all your multiplayer matches. (You could even use it to host your own metaverse, if you’re that way inclined.)

But why is this so important? Well, there are a few reasons.

It’s really important to have multiple server providers

If you rely on only one server provider, you’re going to have a bad time. What happens if they go down? How are you going to get global coverage? How do you manage your costs?

It’s just impractical. If you’re setting up your own platform or ecosystem, you’re going to need multiple server providers. That way, if a provider goes down, you can instantly switch over to another one. Maybe your players get a jittery experience for an hour. That’s much better than a few days – or even weeks.

It also gives you a lot more control over how you balance the load. Maybe you have a few games that need a lot of compute power. Well, you can reserve certain servers just for them. Or imagine you find a deal with a server provider that cuts your costs in half in one region. You can just switch over that region to the new provider instantly, without needing to upend everything else.

You’ll have complete control

Our platform is completely agnostic. And it uses micro-services to run. So if you want to integrate your own systems, it’s easy to plug it in.

We’re not going anywhere. We’ll still be on hand to help out and integrate systems. But you’ll have much more control if there’s something specific you want to do.

This is a large reason why we’re introducing Gameye Enterprise. We believe it’s your right to have access to the source code. If you want to make changes, you should be able to. (Although, it’s worth noting that we can only support the original code. We’d rather work together to make changes, but now it’s up to you.)

You don’t need to rely on us, but we’ll be here to help

We know it’s scary to put your trust in a third-party platform. We’re confident that we’re going to stick around for years and years – but most studios don’t want to take the risk. So with our licence, you don’t need to worry about that anymore. You’ve got the source code – so your platform is safe.

But even though you don’t need to rely on us, we’re still here. We’ll help you integrate your systems, solve problems and figure out how you’re going to make sure you have enough servers.